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Dänisch-iranische Künstlerin Firoozeh Bazrafkan zerreißt den Koran 21. Mai 2014

Filed under: Reportagen — Knecht Christi @ 14:13

al-qur'an shredded 1

Der Koran ist ein Mülleimer„!



EuropeNews: Firoozeh Bazrafkan ist eine umstrittene Künstlerin und hat es schon wieder getan. Im vergangenen September war sie zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt worden, weil sie anti-islamische Kommentare geäußert hatte. Nach Angaben des Frontpage Magazins hat sie nun in einer Kunstgalerie in Skanderborg wiederum die haarsträubende muslimische Sensibilität und die politische Korrektheit ihrer multikulturellen Gegner herausgefordert. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung mit dem unzweideutigen Namen „Blasphemie“ zerriss sie einen Koran und stapelte die Überreste auf einer Gebetsbank. Sie wolle, so sagte sie, immer wieder daran erinnern, dass es okay sei eine andere Meinung zu haben. Aber alles was sie tue geschehe nach demokratischen Spielregeln. Firoozeh Bazrafkan hatte bereits im Jahr 2007 mit einer provokanten Aktion darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass das Wort „Ungläubige“ 347 Mal im Koran auftaucht. Sie hatte die Textstellen mit einem Textmarker leuchtend gelb gekennzeichnet. Außerdem veröffentlichte sie am Frauentag im Jahr 2013 im Aarhuser Museum Aros ein Video von sich selbst, in dem sie sich aus einer Burka schneidet und einen Kopfschleier zerreißt. Zum Vorschein kamen Jeans und Bluse und ihr unbedecktes Haar. In einem anderen Video zieht sie sich ganz aus und bedeckt einen Koran mit ihren Kleidern, während ein weiterer Künstler Passagen daraus rezitiert.

Perpetually outraged Muslims really outraged at Danish-Iranian artist who put a quran through a paper shredder











Danish-Iranian artist poses nude in anti-Islam video

Firoozeh Bazrafkan strips to Quran passages in spite of the threats to her life that her art is causing.





Copenhagen Post  (h/t Uwe Max J): Nudity, blasphemy, Nazi hymns and shredded Qurans are all recurring elements in the works by artist and blogger Firoozeh Bazrafkan. These themes are also the reason why she has to live a life punctuated by daily death threats and harassment.

“There are those who harass me and call me words like whore, ugly bitch, tell me to burn in hell and so on, but there are also those who send me direct death threats,” Bazrafkan told Ekstra Bladet. “They write that if they meet me, they would gladly send me to another world and that they are ready to go to jail for it.”

Bazrafkan was born in Iran and she is now using art to fight the repression of women, especially in her birth country and in other Islamic nations. In her latest video performance, she strips naked in front of the camera and covers the Quran with her clothes, while the artist Kasper Nørby Lund recites passages from the book.

Sadly, it is the so-called “elite” on the Left who will not support this champion of women’s rights.

Anorak  If you listen to artists, writers, academics and journalists, you would think that thousands of them operate in a radical underground. They say the right things. They ‘speak truth to power’, ‘transgress boundaries’, and all the rest of it. But you will have noticed that they are careful only to challenge religions that won’t hurt them (Christianity) and governments that won’t arrest them (democracies).









In September, she was convicted of racism:

Firoozeh Bazrafkan was charged with racism after writing in a blog entry, published inJyllands-Posten newspaper in December 2011, that she was “very convinced that Muslim men around the world rape, abuse and kill their daughters”. She added: “This is, according to my understanding as a Danish-Iranian, the result of a defective and inhumane culture – if you can even call it a culture at all. But you can say, I think, that it is a defective and inhumane religion whose textbook, the Koran, is more immoral, deplorable and crazy than manuals of the two other global religions combined.”

Fined 5,000 kroner fine, or five days in prison, she said: 

“The court argued that what I wrote about Muslim men was condescending and a generalisation,” Bazrafkan told The Copenhagen Post. “But that’s unfair, because there are many Islamic codes that are being used by Islamic men to justify their actions against women and children.” She argues that she was not accusing all Muslim men of using Islamic codes to justify horrific acts against women, only that violence against women and children was often excused by citing Islam. “It’s not the same thing. For example, Muslims around the world protested at the Mohammed cartoons, and doctors around the world misdiagnose patients, but not all Muslims protested, and not all doctors misdiagnose“.




 Firoozeh Barafkan, posted a nude picture of herself branding a mask with the features of  Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the Egyptian blogger who posted picture of herself naked on Twitter under her real name to protest against Islamic sexism in her country.

Firoozeh Barafkan, posted a nude picture of herself branding a mask with the features of Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the Egyptian blogger who posted picture of herself naked on Twitter under her real name to protest against Islamic sexism in her country.


Why did she write what she did?

“I wrote it as an artistic manifesto to show that we cannot say what we want and we cannot criticise Islamic regimes. I wanted to show Lars support because, as a Danish Iranian, I know what a big problem Islamic regimes are in both Iran and the Middle East. These Islamic codes give men the rights to do whatever they want to women and children and I think it’s disgusting. They also prevent people in Iran from discussing and saying what they want. This is what I wanted to criticise“.







„Happy“-Video kostet junge Iraner die Freiheit

Verstoß gegen „öffentliche Sittsamkeit“



2 Responses to “Dänisch-iranische Künstlerin Firoozeh Bazrafkan zerreißt den Koran”

  1. thomas Says:

    Echt süß , die Kleine ,wenn mehr Menschen in Europa die Einstellung hätten, wäre der Islam
    schon Geschichte.

  2. Andreas Says:

    DIE hat ja echt mumm – klasse aktionismus! fragt sich nur, wie christen wohl reagieren würde, wenn die künstlerin die bibel zerrissen hätte?!

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