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Ramadan-Dschihad in Kenia – Al-Schabab-Terroristen töten 29 Menschen 6. Juli 2014

Filed under: Islamischer Terror — Knecht Christi @ 23:06

Islamist al-Shabab gunmen apparently placed a Bible on the back of this man after they killed him during the attack on Hindi village, in Lamu county on the coast of Kenya, in which nine people were killed

Islamische Terroristen der somalischen Terrorgruppe Al-Schabab legen eine Bibel auf den Rücken dieses Mannes, den sie erschossen haben …

Kämpfer der somalischen Terrormiliz Al-Shabaab haben bei Überfällen an Kenias Küste mindestens 29 Menschen umgebracht.

Die Region ist beliebt bei Touristen.






Bewaffnete haben bei zwei Angriffen an der Küste Kenias mindestens 29 Menschen getötet. Das teilte das Innenministerium mit. Für die Anschläge in den Bezirken Lamu und Tana River übernahm die der Al-Kaida nahestehende radikale Miliz Al-Shabaab aus dem benachbarten Somalia die Verantwortung.   Im vergangenen Monat hatten Kämpfer der Gruppe bei Anschlägen in derselben Gegend 65 Menschen getötet. Seit Kenia 2011 Truppen ausgesendet hat, um gegen Al-Shabaab zu kämpfen, häufen sich die Anschläge. Das Küstengebiet ist eine bei Touristen beliebte Region. Unter den Anschlägen leidet die Tourismusbranche Kenias. Deren Geschäft ist eine der Haupteinnahmequellen des Landes. Im Bezirk Lamu schossen 15 Bewaffnete auf die Einwohner des Dorfs Hindi, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Dann hätten die Täter in Gamba in Tana River die Polizeiwache angegriffen. Hindi liegt rund 40 Kilometer nördlich, Gamba 70 Kilometer nordwestlich von Mpeketoni, wo im Juni der Angriff stattgefunden hatte.




29 people killed in overnight attacks by terror group al-Shabab

who raided village taking aim at residents and targeted police station


Policemen and medical workers recover the slain body of a man killed when gunmen attacked Hindi village

Twenty killed in Gamba, where militants raided a police station

Another nine were killed in Hindi, in the neighbouring county

Three people taken to hospital with injuries from the attacks

Al-Shabab are the group behind last year’s Westgate mall massacre

Its military spokesman in Somalia claims responsibility for attacks

But there are also claims attacks were mounted by Kenyan Groups

A woman rummages through the ruins of her home burned down when gunmen attacked Hindi village

UK Daily Mail:  Twenty of the victims were killed in an attack in the Gamba area of Tana River county, where gunmen rushed the police station and freed suspected al-Shabab militants. Another nine were killed in a separate raid at the Hindi trading centre in neighbouring Lamu county, near the town of Mpeketoni where 65 people were killed last month.

The Somali Islamist militant group al-Shabab, which last September attacked the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Mwenda Njoka, a spokesman for the interior ministry, told Reuters: ‘There were two attacks in Lamu and Tana River last night. In Lamu we have nine people dead and in Tana River we have 20. The number could rise.’

A police officer walks past blood stains on the ground at the Gamba police station in Gamba, Tana River county

Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab’s military operations spokesman, told Reuters in Mogadishu that the Somali group was behind both attacks on Saturday night. It had also said it was responsible for the June raids in Lamu County, around Mpeketoni.

Officials said a group of 10-15 men struck at Hindi, situated nine miles from the town of Lamu, and close to the town of Mpeketoni, which was nearly destroyed in one of the attacks in June, at about 10 pm on Saturday.


‘They went around shooting at people and villages indiscriminately,’ Abdallah Shahasi, the area chief, told Reuters. Al-Shabab announced that at the same time it had broken into the police station at Gamba and freed suspects from the detention cells. A Kenyan police source, who asked not to be named, corroborated that account.

He told Reuters: ‘They killed some of our colleagues and freed Muslim detainees. Some of those freed were linked to the Mpeketoni attacks two weeks ago. ‘We still don’t know how many detainees were freed until we verify with registers at the station.’

The officer said the gunmen got to the police station by car-jacking a truck and killing its three occupants. Five police officers were wounded in the attack and one officer was killed, he said.







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